What Is Classed as Breach of Tenancy Agreement

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What Is Classed as Breach of Tenancy Agreement

As a tenant, it is important to understand what actions may be classed as a breach of your tenancy agreement. Breaching your agreement can lead to serious consequences, including eviction and potential legal action. In this article, we will explore what actions may be considered a breach of tenancy agreement and the consequences that follow.

Non-Payment of Rent

One of the most common breaches of tenancy agreement is failing to pay rent on time or in full. Rent is typically due on a specific date each month, and failing to pay it can result in late fees and even eviction. It is important to communicate with your landlord or property manager if you are having financial difficulties that may affect your ability to pay rent on time.

Breaking Property Rules

Another common breach of tenancy agreement is breaking property rules. This could include smoking in a non-smoking property, having pets without permission, or making alterations to the property without approval. It is important to familiarize yourself with any property rules before signing a lease and to adhere to them throughout your tenancy.

Damage to the Property

Any damage to the property caused by you or your guests may be considered a breach of tenancy agreement. This could include anything from holes in the walls to broken appliances. It is important to report any damage to the property management immediately and to take responsibility for any repairs needed.

Illegal Activity

Engaging in illegal activity on the property is a clear breach of tenancy agreement. This includes drug use or trafficking, assault or battery, and any other criminal activity. Landlords and property management companies have a legal obligation to report any illegal activity to the authorities, and you may face eviction and potential legal action.


Overcrowding the property by allowing additional occupants without permission is another breach of tenancy agreement. This can lead to strain on the property and possibly even safety hazards. It is important to communicate with your landlord or property management if you require additional occupants and to obtain written permission before doing so.

The consequences of breaching your tenancy agreement can be severe, including eviction, forfeiting your security deposit, and even legal action. It is important to understand the terms of your agreement and to adhere to them throughout your tenancy. If you have any questions or concerns about your tenancy agreement, it is important to speak with your landlord or property management.